I look forward to drawing with Salinas Community School! This is the official blog for all students to view their drawing lessons, along with my comments and suggestions. Students can also post comments (with teacher approval) about their experiences in drawing and visual art.
Here's how the 6-lesson drawing course will be set up:
- Lines/Shapes: pencil grip, guidelines, outlines, different kinds of lines, combining shapes, overlapping
- Patterns/Textures: repetition, rhythm, surfaces
- Space: positive/negative space, edges, foreground/background, scale
- Form: contour lines, light/shadow, perspective
- Composition: proportion, measuring, space
- Composition: proportion, measuring, space
If you would like to try more advanced lessons from the "Start a Lesson" section along with your weekly class lessons, I'll coach you through them on this blog. Also, I understand that some of you are developing characters for graphic novels. I'd be happy to help you with your projects. Talk with me about it, and we'll get you started.
Salinas Sketchers, get ready to draw! See you on Tuesday. --Rob