Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week Two: Lines, Shapes, Overlapping, Proportion

Alright Salinas Sketchers! On Tuesday everyone learned about overlapping (placing things in front of other things) to create depth of space in your drawing. Everyone made great progress in drawing accurate proportions. Scroll down to view your work. Remember to click on your drawings to view them larger.

Above: Sketches by Leydi (left) and Pedro showing how overlapping can create depth of space in your picture. They also changed a circle into a sphere by adding shadows.

eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn
Check out new drawings by Carlos, Pedro, and Leydi in the Expression Session.

Okay! Ready for a drawing challenge?...

Drawing Challenge: Aztec God Tonatiuh
For those of you who have time, here's a little challenge for you to do this week: Use lines, shapes, and tones (black and grays) to Draw the Face of the Aztec god Tonatiuh. Take time to look for the dark outlines of the shapes. Start by drawing light guidelines for the shapes, and then draw darker outlines to finish. If you have time, lightly draw the different gray tones. Draw from this reference picture: Click here

See you on Tuesday! --Rob


Excellent! Drawing! Carlos! You drew VERY accurate proportions of the jaguar. Great job of drawing the patterns for on its fur and tail. Nice work of adding details such as the face and whiskers. Your line work is looking really clean, too. If you have time, give this week's drawing challenge a try...

Drawing Challenge: Draw the Face of the Aztec God Tonatiuh
Take time to look for the dark outlines of the shapes. Start by drawing light guidelines for the shapes, and then draw darker outlines to finish. If you have time, lightly draw the different gray tones. Draw from this reference picture: Click here


This jaguar looks like it's going to come to life and jump off the page, Leydi! Excellent job of shading on its body with gray tones, making it look 3D. The cast shadow you drew on the ground, underneath the body and paws adds depth to your drawing. The patterns on its fur look great. Nice job of drawing accurate proportions of its body. If you have time, give this week's drawing challenge a try...

Drawing Challenge: Draw the Face of the Aztec God Tonatiuh
Take time to look for the dark outlines of the shapes. Start by drawing light guidelines for the shapes, and then draw darker outlines to finish. If you have time, lightly draw the different gray tones. Draw from this reference picture: Click here


Very cool drawing style, Pedro!! I really like how you added patterns and gray tones. Overall, you draw accurate proportions of its body. Excellent job on shading the ears and details of its face. Excellent job of shading underneath its body to make it look more 3D and add depth to your drawing. The delicate contour lines showing the edges and details of its fur is a nice touch. If you have time, give this week's drawing challenge a try...

Drawing Challenge: Draw the Face of the Aztec God Tonatiuh
Take time to look for the dark outlines of the shapes. Start by drawing light guidelines for the shapes, and then draw darker outlines to finish. If you have time, lightly draw the different gray tones. Draw from this reference picture: Click here


Alright, Ruby! VERY nice job of drawing accurate proportions of the jaguar! Keep practicing sketching light guidelines for the shapes of things; then drawing darker out lines to finish. Cool details for the jaguar's facial features. :-) If you have time, give this week's drawing challenge a try...

Drawing Challenge: Draw the Face of the Aztec God Tonatiuh
Take time to look for the dark outlines of the shapes. Start by drawing light guidelines for the shapes, and then draw darker outlines to finish. If you have time, lightly draw the different gray tones. Draw from this reference picture: Click here

Salinas Sketchers in Action

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week One: Lines and Shapes

It's great to be back with the Salinas Sketchers! Really cool to have a few familiar faces from last year as well as new ones! We got right to work on creating a bunch of NICE drawings.

Holding your pencil on its side (overhand grip) while working was a challenge, but all of you got into it. Keep practicing, it will get easier. Scroll down to view my comments on your drawings (or click your name in the column to the right).

Pencil warm-ups by (above, left) Ruby and Edna

If you find yourself doodling on a piece of paper this week-- hopefully between class assignments :-) -- do some warm-up sketches of angled, curved, and vertical lines, just like last Friday. See what kind of patterns you make--maybe you'll create a cool abstract design! Keep practicing the overhand grip; it will get easier and will help make drawing easier in future lessons. Also practice moving your whole arm and shoulder when drawing. This will help you to draw larger, longer, smoother lines.

Check out Pedro's and Leydi's cool drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn. Hope to see more eXpReSsin sEsSiOn drawings from all of you soon!

You're off and running with sketching light lines (guidelines) then drawing darker outlines to finish. We also got started on comparing the size (proportions) of shapes you drew to the reference picture you were looking at. On Tuesday we'll be exploring how to overlap, creating depth in your drawing.

Scroll down to see your lessons. Be sure to click on your drawing to view it larger. --Rob


GREAT!! Drawing!! Pedro!! It took you a while to get used to holding your pencil on its side... but once you did... you cut loose with some wonderful sketches! You have an excellent eye for looking at the reference picture and then drawing lines and shapes accurately. With each new drawing, the proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) became more accurate. The crab is well drawn, and your accuracy improved with the puffer fish. But your control really started to show with the sketch of the wolf! The proportions are drawn accurately and the contour lines showing the form of the head and muscles are VERY well drawn.


Wow!! Leydi!! Last year's work with Salinas Sketchers helped you jump right back into drawing with lines and shapes. Your drawing of the toucan is a GREAT start! Compared to the reference picture you were looking at, you did an excellent job drawing accurate proportions of its head and body. And you got all the details and added gray tones. Then you REALLY got into the zone and pulled of an excellent drawing of the wolf! You drew large on the page while keeping VERY accurate proportions of its body. Nice job on drawing the contour lines showing the texture of its fur and muscles.


Welcome back to Salinas Sketchers, Edna!! Your line work is as controlled and clean as ever! Your sketches of the toucan were an excellent way to get started in drawing again. The second sketch of the bird shows a longer, more accurate proportioned body (compared to the reference picture you were looking at). I really like how you took on the challenge of drawing the basic shapes of the wolf. You did a great job of drawing accurate proportions. Be great to see the finished drawing.


Hey, Ruby!!! Great to have you back with Salinas Sketchers!! After you practiced holding your pencil on its side, you sketched an awesome toucan. Overall, you drew very accurate proportions of its head and body. Your control came back to your line work as you sketched the lighter and darker gray tones of the bird. Excellent start of drawing the tiger with lines and shapes! Keep focused on drawing light shapes of things before finishing with darker outlines. :-)


Excellent start, Carlos!!! The lines and shapes of the crab are VERY well drawn! Compared to the reference picture you were looking at, the proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the eyes and body are really accurate. Keep practicing drawing light guidelines for the shapes of things; then drawing darker outlines to finish. Cool facial expressions. :-) Keep it going!


Alright!! Moises!! You're off to a GREAT start in drawing with lines and shapes! Your drawings show a lot of control in your line work. Compared to the reference picture you were looking at, the proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the crab are drawn really well. The sketch of the crab on the right shows a big improvement in proportions of the eyes (especially the distance between the eyes) and the angled bold lines of the legs. Focus on sketching light guidelines for the shapes of things and then finish by drawing darker outlines.

eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn






