Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Weeks Seven & Eight: Sketching, Composition, Form, Value, Rhythm

We had a productive free-draw session where everyone explored sketching contours and textures. Then we got into elements of composition by drawing an agave plant. You accomplished the goal of sketching loosely, quickly, and accurately.

Be sure to check out new pics of our outdoors free-draw session. Click here

I really enjoyed drawing with the Salinas crew and hope to be returning in February to help each of you explore new techniques and drawing styles.

Happy holidays!!!! --Rob

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Bien hecho, Carlos!! Excellent work in drawing realistic contour edges of the agave plant! You did a really nice job of adding gray tones to show different values of green for the leaves. How you used the kneaded eraser to blend tones and erase highlights is a very nice touch. Your quick contour line sketches from our free-draw session turned out awesome. Keep practicing your sketching, man!


Great to have you join Salinas Sketchers, Heriberto!!! Wow! Fantastic work in drawing the realistic contour edges of the plant. Very nice job of adding gray tones to show the different values of green. I really like the powerful contrast of the darker and lighter areas of your composition. Keep drawing, man!


The agave plant is yet another WONDERFUL composition, Ruby!!! Great work in sketching loosely, quickly, and accurately! Very nice work in adding lighter and darker grays to show different values of green for the leaves. How you erased the highlights with the kneaded eraser is a nice touch. And... Wow!... your contour line sketch of the shell and antique iron is awesome! Your drawing has improved in leaps and bounds since starting this class.


Pedro, you're drawing skills are simply extraordinary, man! Great start in drawing accurate contours, proportions, and tonal values of the plant. I hope to be drawing with you in February and exploring ways to apply your drawing skills toward your future.

Getting into the "Zone"

Imagine playing your favorite video game (or a sport or activity you do well), and getting your best-ever score. Every move you make scores mega-points! You're in a state of mind where everything flows naturally without having to think about it. You're in the Zone.

In drawing, being in the Zone is when you don't have to think about what you're drawing. Everything seems to flow out of the tip of your pencil. Each time you draw, it takes a little time to find the Zone (just like when you're playing video games). But with practice it gets easier and easier to naturally drop into it. And when you're in the Zone, your drawings will amaze you!