Monday, June 1, 2009

Week Five: Proportions and 'Monkey See, Monkey Draw'

Last week we drew after the Mexican mural painter David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974). You continued learning to draw proportions while looking at his painting of a woman. You also used lines and shapes to draw some cool monkeys. Your drawings are shown below.

Your challenge this morning
is to use lines, shapes, and patterns (no real life people or objects) to create an abstract drawing. Draw big, and use the whole paper for your composition. Listen to music, draw the rhythm and harmony! Use your imagination, your emotions and have fun.

Examples of abstract artists to help you get started: Click here

Examples of abstract drawings by students in Santa Cruz: Click here

Abstract painting by Wassily Kandinsky

And... check out the eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn section. There are new posts by Alex P. (shown below), Ian, and Ignacio. Anyone can post drawings.

I'll have another fun abstract drawing project and independent projects for students when I see you at 10:00. --Rob

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