Wednesday, November 4, 2009


After learning about positive and negative space and contour lines you've taken your drawing to a new level, Leydi!! You accurately drew contour lines showing the realistic form of the egret. You did a fantastic job of drawing the 's' curve of its neck and the details of its face and beak. The gray tones for shading and details of feathers makes it look very natural. Great work on the contour line drawing of the flower! The edges that form the petals look very realistic. Nice work on the positive/negative chair warm-up sketch.

Keep drawing in your free time, Leydi. Your eye for accuracy keeps improving every time you draw! I know that you enjoy drawing. Your own style is starting to show in your work. Keep developing it... get ideas for drawing your favorite animals or flowers from the Internet or magazines. Or try making designs from your imagination and combine the with realistic drawings.

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