Saturday, March 6, 2010


Astounding! Drawing! Aris!! You progressed rapidly through the drawings of the frog, tiger, and jaguar while keeping accurate proportions and improving the control of your line work. You worked your way through the challenges of 2-point perspective with accurately angled guidelines and 3D buildings. Then you really got into the zone while drawing VERY accurate proportions of the dragonfly's body and wings. Excellent job of drawing realistic contour lines of its legs and transparent wings. And then.... the egret! You focused on the positive/negative spaces of the reference photo to get natural looking contour edges of the bird's head and body. I really like how you made several study sketches until you found accurate proportions; then finished with darker contour lines. Keep looking for where the positive and negative space meets to draw the contour edges of things, such as the 's' turn of the egret's neck.

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