Monday, April 26, 2010

Weeks 6, 7, 8: Abstract Drawing Cross-Hatching

As the Salinas Sketchers come down the home stretch, during the last weeks of drawing class, everyone will be focused on learning some new skills and choosing work for the Student Show.

Because of student testing we had a really large group last week. Many were new faces so we had beginning lessons mixed with more advanced ones such as the cross-hatching drawing technique.

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended!
Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here

See you next week. --Rob


Superb use of cross-hatching!!! The confidence in your line work is really beginning to show, Aris! Great job of drawing accurate proportions of the man's face. Your abstract drawing is amazing! You did a wonderful job of using the style of the famous abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. Way cool cartoon drawing of Pluto! Got drawings for the Student Show?

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


You really connected with your inner abstract artist in these sketches, Bryan!!! Fantastic use of horizontal and vertical lines, similar to the artist Piet Mondrian. And your angled lines and oval shapes are a wonderful take on the artist Kandinsky. I can see the influence of Picasso in your cubist drawing. Nice compositions, man!

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


EXCELLENT cross-hatching technique on the man's face, Lizette!!! Nice job on capturing the contour edges of his face and laying done some really clean line work for shading. And your abstract composition, inspired by Kandinsky is VERY well drawn. Be fun to see what you're submitting for the Student Show. :-)

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


Nice to have you in class, Johnny! We've gotta get you drawing more, Johnny! Using examples of the abstract artist, Wassily Kandinsky, you put together a powerful composition!!! I like the balance between the curved and angled lines and shapes. The gray tones are a really nice touch, too. Keep it going! :-)

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


Nice to have you visit the Salinas Sketchers, Nancy!! Your abstract composition is a wonderful start in drawing with lines and shapes! Fantastic work in arranging the elements on the page and mixing in various patterns and gray tones. Hope to have you join us again for more lessons. :-)

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


Hey, man! You've got some VERY cool work happening here, Oliver! Great cross-hatching line work on the man's face, especially showing the form of the lips and cheeks. Excellent landscape sketch--I'd REALLY like to see you do more of this kind of work... student show, maybe? You got into some fantastic abstract drawings, too! Ready for the Student Show?

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


You took your ability to control lines to a new level with this abstract composition!! Really nice mix of colors and gray tones to balance everything on the page. Great drawing inspired by the artist Kandinsky. Keep it going, Leo!!

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here

Eduardo & Erik


You've made excellent progress in drawing from imagination and observation, Eduardo!! Cool abstract/surreal work inspired by the artist Joan Miro. Nice use of color and gray tones. Great start on the cross-hatching drawing of the man. And the sketch of the skull is a very interesting direction with your imagination and observational skills.


Excellent job of focusing on the cross-hatch technique in this drawing, Erik!!! Nice work in defining the area of the cheek and mouth by overlapping angled lines. The proportions of the man's face are very well drawn.

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


Inspired by the artist Georges Braque, you've created a wonderful cubist composition with lines and gray tones. Hey, Jose! Maybe this could be a direction for your drawing from the imagination for the student show. :-)

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


Glad you could stop in and draw with us, Miguel!! Fantastic job of using lines and shapes to create an abstract composition. Hopefully you can participate in more of our lessons in the future.

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


Hey, Ruby! Once you got focused on work by artists Mondrian and Kandinsky, you put together a really nice little composition of lines and shapes. I'd like to see you explore more abstract work for your drawings for the student show.

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


It's been quite awhile since you've drawn us, Jesus. Great to have you for a visit!! Looks like you remembered how to draw contour edges to form the man's face and you stepped right into using cross-hatched lines to create shading. Excellent work on the cheek area and under the nose and mouth.

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here


So cool that you could visit for a session of drawing, Ignacio! It's been a long time since I've had you in class. You must be drawing a lot because you did an EXCELLENT job of the form of the man's head. Be nice if you could finish it sometime. Keep drawing, man!

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here

Visiting Students

Since there was testing last week, we had a LOT of new students that haven't drawn with me before along with students who have been drawing with me most of the year. We had some superb efforts by a number of students who said they couldn't draw! Everyone got right into drawing with lines and shapes, accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes), and even a little cross-hatching. Hope you can join us next year to learn more skills!

Check out your drawings:

Jose G.







Mystery Sketchers (no names on paper):