Monday, April 26, 2010


EXCELLENT cross-hatching technique on the man's face, Lizette!!! Nice job on capturing the contour edges of his face and laying done some really clean line work for shading. And your abstract composition, inspired by Kandinsky is VERY well drawn. Be fun to see what you're submitting for the Student Show. :-)

Student Drawing Show 2010 Deadline Extended! Because of testing, the deadline to submit your drawings is the week of May 10-14. Enter your work in our Online Student Show, opening May 18, 2010. Your drawings will be featured with students from other schools in the Drawing League Gallery. Choose 2 of your favorites, either from your lesson drawings or work you've created during your own time at school. One drawing is to be from observation (drawing things you're looking at) and the second drawing is to be from your imagination. For Details: Click here

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