Monday, October 18, 2010

Weeks 2,3, & 4: Form, Contours, Positive/Negative Space

The Salinas Sketchers are making BIG-time progress! Everyone stepped up to the challenges drawing realistically as we continued with measuring accurate proportions. We also explored using positive and negative space to find contour edges of form as shown in H.'s egret (upper left) shows confident contour lines, shading, and highlights. Ricky's dragon fly (upper right) shows accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) and realistic contour edges.

Shown above are excellent examples of measuring proportions while looking at reference pictures. Marcelo's jaguar (upper left) and Bernabe's jaguar show 3D form of the big cat and patterns for its fur and tail.

Dangelo began to explore our upcoming abstract drawing lesson. Shown above are his sketches.

The dinosaur called Elasmosaurus (upper left) was drawn by Jesus while using one of my how-to-draw books.You can find his drawing in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn along with Ignacio's robot (upper left): Click here

Click 'Read more' below to view everyone's drawings...

I know the drawing the dragonfly was a challenge. But you got your skills together for an excellent sketch! You've progressed a lot as you get more into drawing realistically. Keep it going!

Huge step into realism, man! Your sketches of the egret and dragonfly show confident line work and control of your drawing materials. Draw on!

Huge progress in drawing with lines and shapes! Great sketch of the face. Your confidence is growing with each new sketch.

EXCELLENT sketches of the egret! Each study sketch shows more accuracy in drawing positive and negative shapes for the contour edges of its body. The dragonfly is very accurately drawn. Great step into drawing realistically!

Way cool drawing of the jaguar, Burnabe! Wonderful how you did study sketches to find accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes). Keep practicing sketching the shapes of things before adding darker outlines.

Simply stellar drawings, Jesus! Keep it going! View more of your drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn: Click here

Great studies of the face sketched by Leonardo da Vinci and the photo of a skull! View more of your drawings in eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn: Click here

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