Saturday, October 30, 2010

Weeks 5 & 6: Getting Abstract

The Salinas Sketchers used lines, shapes and patterns to create amazing abstract drawings. Welcome to new sketchers Gina and Desiree! Scroll down to view everyone's drawings.

After studying artwork by artists such as Kandinsky and Mondrian, students drew their own abstract compositions. Shown clockwise, starting upper left, are drawings by Deontay, Marcelo, H., and Ricky

 Gina's frog (upper left) and Desiree's toucan (upper left) show how they got right to work in drawing with lines and shapes while looking for accurate proportions.

Click 'Read more' below to view everyone's drawings...
Excellent use of repetition of lines and shapes to create balance and rhythm in your abstract composition! Fantastic work in drawing the tiger on large paper while keeping accurate proportions.

Stellar series of abstract compositions!!! Great use of lines, shapes, tones, and positive/negative space.

Wonderful start in drawing with lines and shapes! Overall the proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) are very well drawn. Lots of control in your line work, too.

You got into the zone and put together a well-balanced abstract composition! Really like how you repeated lines and shapes.

Going abstract is a very productive challenge for you. Nice drawing! Repetition of lines gives your composition rhythm and movement.

Nice to be drawing with you again! Nice job of drawing accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes), especially on your toucan sketch. :-)

These abstract composition work REALLY well, Marcelo! The arrangement of lines and shapes makes the pictures balanced and very interesting to look at. I like how you did one composition that is more complex and contrasted it with a simpler one.

Glad to have you drawing with us again! Your focused effort produced a brilliant abstract composition. Great use of contrasting tones and colors.

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