Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week Four: Lines, Shapes, Proportion

Last week was the introduction to measuring and drawing accurate proportions. And of course, the Salinas Sketchers rose to the challenge! Everyone made lots of progress in drawing a realistic dog. Some of you took BIG steps towards improving your skills. Highlights: Once again, Vicky's determination led her to making huge progress in drawing realistic proportions. Jesus focused his energy and skills to make a big improvement in drawing proportions. Alex P. and newcomer Jasmine blazed with their drawings, too. I did see Ignacio drawing a really cool dog but it wasn't in his sketchbook, so I don't have a post for him this week.

If anyone missed last week's exercise of drawing the puppy try to work on it so that you understand how to use grid lines for measuring proportion. Accuracy is our focus this week, everyone. I'll bring in the reference picture of the puppy if anyone needs it.

Ready for today's drawing challenge? :-)
We'll be drawing after the Mexican mural painter David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974). Your challenge this morning is to draw the self portrait by Siqueiros. Do at least 2 or 3 smaller practice sketches. These are called thumbnail sketches. Sketch out the basic shapes of his facial features. Keep checking the accuracy of proportions as you sketch. In your larger final drawing go for the details of his bold line strokes. Hot Tip: Hold your pencil sideways (for bold lines) and move your whole arm. Let it flow! Capture the curves and angles of his expressive lines. Do as many sketches as it takes to draw accurately. Draw big and courageous!

Here's today's challenge reference picture: Click here


Check out the new Expression Session posts by Ian, Jacob B., Christian, and Alex P. Remember, if you want to post up in the Expression Session you must finish all of your assigned drawings. And your post must be rated 'G'. Click here

We'll be drawing another Siquerios piece in class today. See you at 10:00! --Rob

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